DTA therapists frequently use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) when working with clients. CBT is an action-oriented, goal-focused form of therapy that focuses on changing maladaptive thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It tends to focus on the here and now, and is commonly used to treat a wide range of issues. In addition to CBT, our therapists also use a variety of approaches including psychodynamic, client-centered, and play therapy when working with clients.
Family Therapy focuses on the entire family system, not just one individual. The aim of this type of therapy is to aid family members in understanding and accepting their individual responsibility in the emotional functioning of the whole family.
Play therapy is the best method of treatment for children and adolescents who are having difficulties coping with life situations. Children often lack the cognitive skills to communicate with words. Through play, they are better able to express themselves and learn more adaptive behaviors.
Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that combines traditional psychological theories and techniques with an understanding of the psychology of the creative process. Art therapists are trained to pick up on nonverbal symbols and metaphors that are expressed through the art-making, which can be more difficult to express with words. Our art therapy services utilize drawing, painting, clay and collaging to help clients reach their therapeutic goals.
Parents who are having difficulties understanding and managing their children often seek help. Together, we set up behavior management systems to target maladaptive behaviors and improve family functioning. Through these consultations, parents increase their skills and feel more confident parenting their children.
DTA also offers phone and virtual therapy for clients who are seeking mental health therapy for mild issues or life events, or for clients who are living out of the area for limited periods of time.
We also offer school observations and teacher consultations as a part of the initial assessment and treatment process. Often classroom teachers are receptive to setting up behavior management plans to improve targeted behaviors.